Dear Friends & Colleagues,

🚀🌟 Gratitude and Reflections from ISSPCON 2024 Organizing Secretary 🌟🚀

Dear esteemed colleagues, faculty, and delegates,

Five preconference workshops, starting from basic fluroscopy to advance fluroscopy, USG, radiofrequency ablation and USG dry needling with resounding success and satisfaction in each workshop.
And then two days of scientific feast followed with live demo of pain procedure, by none other than the stalwarts of pain medicine. And cherry on the cake is mesmerizing cultural programme by SSPP members, and that too all of them.

As the organizing secretary of ISSPCON 2024, I am overwhelmed with gratitude as I reflect on the success of our conference, ISSPCON 2024. It is with immense pleasure that I extend my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who contributed to making this event a resounding success.

First and foremost, I want to express my deepest appreciation to my incredible team of SSPP. Your dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment were instrumental in bringing this event to fruition. From meticulous planning to seamless execution, your tireless efforts have not gone unnoticed. I am proud of you all.

I also want to extend my sincere gratitude to our esteemed faculty members for sharing their invaluable insights, expertise, and knowledge with us. Your enlightening sessions have undoubtedly enriched the learning experience of all our attendees and have left a lasting impact on our community.

Last but certainly not least, I want to thank all the delegates who attended ISSPCON 2024. Your active participation, engaging discussions, and enthusiasm have truly made this conference a memorable and enriching experience for everyone involved.

As we bid farewell to ISSPCON 2024, let us carry forward the spirit of collaboration, innovation, and learning that defined this event.